TrainPlayer News, March 2025 -- Version 9.0

Hello TrainPlayer Fans!  We have something completely new and different for you in Version 9.0!  And, we introduce a new version especially for Anyrail users, and a new device for the delivery of the goods, and the usual parade of bug fixes and enhancements.  Read on.

Help yourself.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to 9.0.  See How To Obtain 9.0 below, and be sure to check the special deal for new users.

9.0 Features

Loco View

Now follow your railroad action from a new vantage point!  Loco View is a new dockable window showing your layout at track level, with one car fixed and the view rotating around it -- not unlike the GPS system in your car. By default you are looking forward from the lead engine, but you can choose any car, any direction, and whatever tilt, zoom, and perspective suits you.

Watch the road ahead as you operate. Hit the space bar to throw the upcoming switch. Glance out the side window at the cars alongside. Watch the scenery roll by as you travel. This feature gives a whole new feel to running your trains.

Loco View is included in the package if you are a new buyer. If you are a licensed user, there is a $19 charge to activate the feature.  To buy, click the button below.

Anyrail Version

Users of the popular track design system Anyrail know that if you want to test-drive a plan in TrainPlayer, there's more to it than importing a file and adding a train. The track might need to be tweaked or repaired, sometimes the cars don't fit, maybe it could use a short track to complete a siding. You really need the full set of track tools to get the job done and to play with possibilities.

But you don't necessarily need the full package. There are a couple of big subsystems which are not part of the layout building phase (and which, by the way, you won't find anywhere but here!): Scripting and Advanced Ops. You can upgrade to the full system later -- for now, save money and get just the tools you need.


TP Drive


With this version we catch up with everyone else and offer shipping not on dvd but on a stylish and handy USB drive. The TP Drive comes in a nice litte engraved wooden case with a magnetic cap, which glows red when in use.

What it delivers is not just the program installer, but the entire database of layouts, cars, and other info, previously available only by download. All this data now becomes instantly available and easily searchable. The drive serves as a permanent backup, and comes with the license code printed on the wrapper.

For more about any of this, click >

In Memoriam: Richard Fletcher, 1942-2024

We are sad to report that we lost our friend and partner Richard Fletcher, who died suddenly on the last day of 2024 at age 82. Richard was an incredible contributor to our products, to our customers, and to the entire railroading community.  He is very much missed by all of us.

Richard mastered the program shortly after becoming a user in 2011. He became an expert in the TrainPlayer scripting language, contributed code for several projects, and single-handedly produced a complete freight dispatching system called YardMaster, written entirely in TP scripts. This was later translated into c++ (practically verbatim) and became our world-class Advanced Ops package.

Richard and his predecessor, Bruno Pigozzo, worked together to produce hundreds of top-quality layouts with full operation plans. The two of them had a great time designing railroads and quibbling about details of scheduling and yard capacities and switchlists. We were fortunate to have both of them in our lives.

Richard's last project was a huge rewrite of all his excellent documentation about scripting. The plan was to have five documents; he managed to complete four of them. Links to these can be found under Advanced Documentation on the Scripting page.

How to Obtain 9.0

If you are a Licensed user ready to upgrade to the latest: grab a credit card or PayPal and click here.  This gets you all of TrainPlayer/TrackLayer 9.0 with Loco View.

If you are an Anyrail user, not yet a TrainPlayer one, try our new low-priced AR version, a trimmed-down package with all you need of TrainPlayer and TrackLayer, including Loco View.

If you are Not a user -- or a licensed user who wants to upgrade without Loco View -- click here.  A new user gets the demo version, restricted as described in the readme; a licensed user gets 9.0 without LV.

Whatever your situation: once you have the program installed and running, use Help > Check for Upgrades to see what upgrades are available.

If you do not already have them, you can add the Chris Pedersen Car Collections for an additional charge.

For our full product line, see the Products Page on the site.

Newsletter Special

-- The Full Package for only $89 --
TrainPlayer/TrackLayer 9.0 with Loco View and Chris Pedersen Cars

If you are new to TrainPlayer, we offer you a great price on everything we have -- TrackLayer 9.0 with Loco View and CP Cars -- which includes all of TrainPlayer 9, track and scenery tools, unrestricted use of Paint Shop, the complete Advanced Ops system, thousands of layouts and cars, advanced scripting, and the full collection of high-quality Chris Pedersen Cars.  This offer is not available on our Products page, only by clicking here: 

Click takes you to the shopping cart page, where you can check out using Visa, MC, or PayPal. If you would like a DVD, request one at checkout.


TrainPlayer Software

Questions, complaints, suggestions?  Drop us a line, or stop by our forum.

4200 Arcadian Drive
Castro Valley, CA  94546 
Web:    TrainPlayer
Forum:  TrainPlayer Users' Forum


9.0 Features

In Memoriam

How To Obtain 9.0


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© TrainPlayer 2025