TrainPlayer-TrackLayer 8.3 Readme

Version 8.3.0, Jun 2024

Welcome to Version 8.3!

This version represents well over a year's worth of fixes and enhancements in various areas.  The complete list is given at the top of the Version History.

This is a free upgrade for existing users -- get your copy from the Download button on the 8.3 Download Page.

Licensing Scheme

You can run the program without a license for an unlimited time. When the program is running as a free demo version, it includes all the features of TrainPlayer and TrackLayer, but with limitations: it does not allow printing, exporting to graphics file, saving changes made to track or scenery, or access to the full set of layouts or car collections on the web. 

Version 8.3 includes free Paint Shop -- previously a chargeable feature.

To purchase a license, go to the TrainPlayer Products Page on the web, or use Help > Check for Upgrades in the program.

Once you have purchased a license and received it by e-mail, enter it using the Help > Upgrade License command.

How to install

For links and instructions, go to the 8.3 Download Page.

Should I uninstall my previous version first?  No.  If you have the Chris Pedersen cars, uninstall may remove them, and upgrading may not replace them.  Go ahead and run the new installer without uninstalling the old.

Will I be able to run the previous version after installing 8.3?  Not exactly!  It will run, but the 8.3 installer removes previous toolbar settings and customizations, so the old version may not look right afterwards.  We recommend you get going with the new version and don't look back.

How to install from DVD

Insert the disk in the drive, Setup should start automatically*.  Shortly you will see the TrainPlayer DVD Installer, with these buttons:

1.  Install Program Files

Click this button to bring up TrainPlayer Setup, which takes you through the program installation procedure.

2.  Install CP Cars

If your purchase includes CP Cars, click this button to bring up the Chris Pedersen Cars Installer; if not, the button is dimmed.  This installs all the Pedersen car collections to your hard drive.  Afterwards you will find them in the Car Chooser.

3.  Copy Data Files

Click this button to bring up the TrainPlayer Data Installer.  This copies data files -- layouts, car collections, sounds, scenery -- from the DVD to your hard drive. You get a choice whether to install just the popular recommended set, or all.  If you do not install all layouts, insert the disk before starting TrainPlayer, and you will find all the DVD layouts in your Layout Chooser.

4.  Start Program

Click this button to launch the program and close the installer.

* If the installer does not come up automatically after inserting the DVD, you may see the Auto-Play dialog.  If not, open Windows Explorer, go to the DVD drive, and double-click to run setup.exe.


 -- TrainPlayer License Agreement --

Thank you for downloading TrainPlayer software. This agreement says: enjoy the program on whatever computers you have, and don’t give away your license key.

With either the purchased or the demo version, you may:

If you have not purchased a license, you may use the trial version free. The trial version does not have the full set of features of the licensed version, and comes with only a small set of layouts. To obtain full capabilities, you must purchase a license.

You may not:

-- Disclaimer of Warranty --

This software and the accompanying files are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance or merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which this software may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered.

The program is not without bugs. If you find one, we encourage you to report it, and we will do our best to fix it in an upcoming version.


For help:

mail 4200 Arcadian Dr., Castro Valley, CA  94546