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Download and Install 8.3 for Windows News

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To download and install TrainPlayer / TrackLayer 8.3 on your computer, click here:

 Download & Install 8.3

Version  8.3.0    June, 2024  77 MB    setup83.exe

This installs the program in demo mode with a set of layouts and data files. A license key is required for full use of the program and full access to the library of layouts and cars.  To see your options, start the program and use Check for Upgrades on the Help menu.

For information about the latest version, see the 8.3 Features Page.


To download and install: click above to start download of the setup file.  Your browser should report progress and let you know when the file has arrived.  This is how it looks in Microsoft Edge =>

Click Open file (or your browser's equivalent) to start the TrainPlayer installer.

The installer is quite standard.  Click on through.  When you click Finish, the program will start.

When you run the program for the first time, it will prompt for license code.  If you don't have one, click OK and run the program in demo mode (restricted in certain ways -- see the Readme).  Once you have a code, enter it using Upgrade License on the Help menu.

Attention AVG and Avast users!  If you run AVG or Avast antivirus protection, it may interfere with the installation.  We suggest you disable it until the installation is complete.

More Information

    Jun 2024: Version 8.3

    8.3 Features Page

    Sep 2022: Version 8.2

    8.2 Features Page



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Windows 7-11

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Version 8.3

Version 8.2

Version 8.1

Version 8.0

Version 7.2

Version 7.1

Older Versions

Version History

TrainPlayer / OPERATOR

TrackLayer / BUILDER


Advanced Ops

Paint Shop

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