TrainPlayer News, Dec 2015 --
Announcing Version 6.2
Allow us to add to the
seasonal e-clamor in your mailbox! It is time once again for our
roughly-annual release of a
major new version of TrainPlayer. Version 6.2
brings a year's worth of improvements, especially in the
art of scenery -- either picking it from our new
high-quality collection of trackside objects, or
building it with our new and improved set of tools --
plus better graphics, great new layouts, fixes.
If you are already a 6.x user, the upgrade is free,
so consider it a holiday gift from us to you -- just
click below to get your copy. If you are using an
earlier version, or none, see
How To Obtain 6.2 below, and be sure to check
the special deal for
new users.
Free Shipping through January!
Order something on DVD, we'll mail it to you.
New Features in 6.2
To support fancier scenery, we had to develop a new
method for displaying layouts. We now draw
it into memory in portions -- square tiles -- drawing
just enough of them to cover the visible
portion and a little more. You can zoom in as
close as you want, even on a giant layout -- as the
train rolls along, it auto-scrolls smoothly across the
drawn tiles, with a little pause when it
needs to create a new one.
Fancier lines! Lines and
polylines can now be as wide as you like, filled with
bitmap or hatch patterns, optionally smoothed at corners
with curves fitted automatically. Great for
rivers, roads, benchwork.

Composite objects! Build
something using scenery tools -- a rooftop, a factory, a
loading dock -- save it to a little file, and it becomes
a new object you can drag from your chooser onto your
layout. It is then embedded, so you can send the
layout to a friend without having to attach anything.
New scenery catalog! A dozen new
folders provide high-quality images and objects for use
in your layouts -- trees, vehicles, buildings,
structures, rooftops, and textured backgrounds such as
dirt, grass, gravel, water. All look great at high
zoom. Use them as parts, kitbash your own
Grid! Adjustable snap grid makes
for precise drawing and positioning.
Styles! New dialogs and toolbar buttons make
for easy setting of default styles. Paint
bucket, eye dropper! New tools for
picking up and applying styles. More!
Updated tutorial. New polygon commands.
Hiding trains under scenery. New keyboard actions.
Improved clicking and cursoring when drawing scenery.
In a new folder in the layout chooser --
Scenic 62 Layouts -- you will find three
dozen great original layouts by our wonderful
TrainPlayer artists. These are large, detailed
track plans featuring dramatic scenery created using the
6.2 toolkit, fully equipped with industries and rolling
stock, ready to run.
Ready for more than that! By no means are these
layouts just museum pieces. Most have scripted
instructions, challenging you to operate, switch the
yards, deliver freight, win rewards. Some have
scripted trains running their routes around the layout
as you work. For the DYI types: watch
scripts in action, see how they work, learn from the
Improved Track Properties dialog. Improved rail
display. Plenty of bug fixes and small
enhancements. More:

How to Obtain 6.2
Version 6.2 is a free upgrade for
users of 6.0 or 6.1. If this is
you, click here to download and install the new
version. You do not need to uninstall your
existing version, nor to reenter your
If you are a user of an earlier (pre-6)
version, you will need a new license. The cost
is only $19 to upgrade from any previous version all the
way up to TrackLayer 6.2, with
track and scenery tools, ops, scripting, the whole
works. To obtain the upgrade, click the button to
download and install a demo of 6.2, then go to Help >
Purchase Upgrade to find choices and
If you are a new user, read on.

Newsletter Special
Package - TrainPlayer/TrackLayer 6.2 with Chris Pedersen Cars - only
you are new to TrainPlayer and are reading this
newsletter, you get a great price on everything we
have to offer -- TrackLayer 6.2 with CP Cars
-- including all of TrainPlayer 6.2, track and scenery
tools, the complete ops system, thousands of layouts and
cars, advanced scripting, and the full Chris Pedersen
Cars collection with 6.2 additions. This offer is not available on
our Products page, only from this button:

Click takes you to the shopping cart page, where you can
check out using Visa, MC, or PayPal. If you prefer
product on DVD, request one when you order --
Offer expires 2/2/2016.
Order product on DVD and there is no shipping charge,
now through Jan 2016. Specify DVD when you order.
Disks are sent by U. S. Mail.
Questions, complaints, suggestions? Our help desk
is manned by knowledgeable old guys, interested in
railroads and computers.
6.2 Features
to Obtain

Try the full system free for 30 days

Licensed users: click to download & install

Shop and buy online

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