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TrainPlayer / TrackLayer 8.3 Contents

Welcome to Version 8.3!

Version 8.3 brings you well over a year's worth of fixes and enhancements.  Upgrading is free -- just click the button below. The new version includes a free copy of Paint Shop -- introduced at 8.0, now open to all users.


One of our goals for this version was to make it easier to set up a layout for operations.  A key step in the process is to identify the industries, yards, interchange tracks, passenger stations, and other locations around the railroad.  Version 8.3 brings new tools for doing this job, and eliminates some old tools no longer needed.

A location is a set of track sections, all having the same label.  You can make one by applying track labels one at a time, or by selecting a group of tracks and using the new Create New Location command.  Once you have a location, use the new Select By Location option to treat it as a unit, so all of its tracks light up when you point to any one of them.

Locations are used throughout Advanced Ops.  A complete list of them can be viewed and edited in the Locations tab of Ops Central.  A new Location Properties dialog gives you a convenient way to set and modify location types, names, and other features.

Locations replace the now-obsolete Station objects and take over their functions.  For example, you can opt to get reports of location arrivals and departures in the output window.  You can attach a sound to a location, such that you hear it whenever a train enters there.

Detailed instructions for creating and working with locations can be found at the links below.

AO Doc & Tutorials

Version 8.3 is accompanied by extensive new AO documentation, now in the form of web pages instead of pdf files.  There are updated reference manuals at three levels:

And two detailed new tutorials:

In addition, the script subroutine library now includes these new or improved AO-oriented procedures (click to see the code):

For more, see the AO page on the website.

 Other 8.3 Features

Larger Fonts. If you are tired of squinting at tiny print, 8.3 has good news for you!  Now you can choose S/M/L/XL for the text in all dialogs, controls, alerts, and message boxes.  Dialogs resize accordingly.

Search by Car Type. In 8.3, with a single search you can now find all of a given car type in your entire library. Search by AAR code for the next match in your local or web car chooser, or search by initial -- GA gets drop-bottoms only, G gets all gondolas of any kind.  See handy instructions on the prompt box:


Scripting Enhancements.  New arguments and functions: $CAR(..DistTo..) for distance between cars; $EXPIMAGE to create image file; $OUTPUT to capture text output; $TIMER to report elapsed time; $INT to convert numbers; $TRACK(..FindFromJxns..) to find track between junctions.  New multi-line comments.  New pseudo-modal $MSGBOX.

Advanced Ops Enhancements.   In addition to the Locations revamp: Improved industry build from cars.  New subroutines for setting up and testing ops.  New grid column for specifying intermediate yards.  Improved AO Checklist in Ops Central.

And more:

  • Improved New Layout dialog
  • Ability to lock grid while laying track
  • Added tiny modelling scale T
  • All-new TrackLayer Tutorial for beginning tracklayers
  • Choice of line widths for highlighting track

For the complete list, see TrainPlayer Version History

How To Obtain 8.3

Click to download and install =>
8.3  Download

If you are new: you get the free demo version -- fully operational, with no time limit, but restricted in certain ways as described in the Readme.  When you run the program, you are greeted with the license dialog.

If you are a licensed user:  you get a free upgrade to Version 8.3, including the Paint Shop feature introduced at Version 8.0, now free for all users.

Any user: use Help > Check for Upgrades to see what upgrades are available >

Questions or problems: send us e-mail



AO Doc & Tutorials

Other 8.3 Features

How To Obtain 8.3

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