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in the Featured Layout folder in your Web Layout Chooser,
as shown at left. Check this folder now and then
to see what's new.
There is also a What's New folder
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Layouts - Fall 2012
Here's another great operations based layout from
designer Byron Henderson. In this
hollow core door (36” X 80”) Howard Terminal plan, a
single switching lead serves both interchange tracks and
the main terminal area. The end of the lead is obscured
by the large gas holder, backdrops and structures.
His priorities were to try to reflect
the prototype track arrangement, especially the running
track through the warehouse and the tracks out onto the
pier. The scrap yard is also
featured prominently, since it would be an important
focus for operations. Multiple quayside tracks on the
other side of the layout provide welcome switching
challenge. “Sure spots” requiring deliveries to specific
doors or wharfside positions add to the interest. The
overall track arrangement is mostly “oneway”: cars
pulled from either the SP or WP
stub-end interchange are then shoved
into the various industry or yard tracks. A runaround
isn’t really necessary. This plan is sure to keep
you hopping for some time.
Pigozzo provided the scenery and
operations layers for this plan. Oct. 2012.
The Rev. Peter Bond Denny constructed several versions
of the Buckingham Great Central railway in his lifetime.
This plan captures the look and feel of the fictitious
branch to the GC main line as it may have looked on
1907. His various models are detailed and precise to a
remarkable degree. The railway was operated by a
timetable and Mr. Denny created a unique 6 track
turntable fiddle yard to turn the cars and make them
ready for the next day's operation. With his wonderful
modelling skills and attention to the smallest details
in every scene, he certainly achieved his goal of
creating a three dimensional picture the Great Central
early in the last century.
layout was featured in the January 2009 issue of Railway
Modeller and it is used with permission. Please visit
their web site at
Buckingham Grand Central Station |
Grandborough Junction |
Layouts - Summer 2012
Lance Mindheim is owner of
The Shelf Layouts
Company, a custom model railroad building and design
firm. He speaks nationally at a variety of prototype
modeling conferences and is author of numerous articles
for the model railroad press. An engineering graduate of
Purdue University, he is a strong believer in the value
of simplicity when it comes to model railroad design.
Visit his website at
We are pleased to feature Lance’s
East Rail layout plan which, though compact, contains a lot of
challenging but realistic operations to enjoy.
With limited mainline track to use, it will be a real
chore moving out loads and re-spotting cars along this
stretch of the layout.

Lance has given us permission to use some of his layout
plans from his web site.
We have collected them together and placed them
in a folder which you can locate on your Layout chooser
under Featured Layouts\Lance Mindheim Layout Plans.
We have added the track work, the Operations
scheme and some representative cars on each plan.
Scenic artwork on the East Rail is by Chris
Pedersen. Over time we will be featuring more
layouts and cars from Chris. Trackwork and Ops
details on the
Mindheim plans were added by Bruno Pigozzo.
You will find more information on
East Rail at
Lance’s web site here:
Layouts - Fall/Winter 2011-2
Grimsby - Immingham is one of England’s premier and
busiest seaports. It handles thousands of railcars of
goods and more thousands of tank car loads of oil,
petrol and chemicals each year. This layout shows off
what can be accomplished with our Scenery toolkit, the
“Grow roadbed / Add ties” capabilities and finally the
new Export Image – Merge Background routine. Our
resident, train guards man [conductor], Bruno Pigozzo,
also added a full set of operations to this attractive
plan.. We look forward to adding more British and
European content in the coming months.
Layouts - Summer 2011
Steve Davis is a relative newcomer to TrainPlayer but
he is an active model railroader as well as a software
programmer who has developed several scenarios for
MS Train Simulator. Steve gaves
us the go ahead to adapt his two level track plan of the
KCS' Third Subdivision for use in TrainPlayer. We
have added a scenery treatment and the full Operations
package to Steve's plan for all to enjoy. The
railroad theme is largely based on moving natural
resources - grain, lime, coal, ore and lumber to on-line
and largely off layout customers. As you can see
from the photos below, Steve has been hard at work
building his layout in a mammoth 40 foot x 60 foot
workshop. You can follow Steve's progress by
viewing his work at -
We have placed both levels of the KCS 3rd Sub in the
Featured Layouts folder and both are linked to each
other. Remember your Operations activities are
currently limited to each level. Enjoy!!

Fort Smith Steel

St Clair Lime Works
Sallisaw Yard
Layouts - Spring 2011
Byron Henderson has created dozens of custom model
railroad track plans for his clients since beginning
formal layout design consulting in 2004. Byron's
work features realistic operating plans for layouts
large and small, and in a variety of model scales.
Byron's work is regularly featured in the pages of
Model Railroader, Model Railroad Planning
and on line on the e-zine Model Railroad
Hobbyist. Byron is also an active enthusiast,
focused on the Bay Area railroads, including the
Southern Pacific, Western Pacific, and Santa Fe. He's
currently building an N scale layout featuring
rail-marine freight terminal operations in the 1950s.
To access Byron's plans, look in your web layout
chooser under Featured Layouts\ Byron Henderson Layout

Scenery has been provided for several of the
layouts by our resident artist, Bruno Pigozzo.

Featured Layout -
Winter 2011
We are pleased to feature a detailed layout by
a long time friend of TrainPlayer -
Wolfgang Dudler.
Wolfgang is now a retired mathematics teacher and still
an avid model railroader.
He is one of the driving forces behind the FREMO
[Freundeskreises Europäischer Modellbahner]
movement in Germany and has provided many of his
beautifully detailed modules for all major FREMO shows
over the past decade.
Wolfgang also is a big advocate of prototypcial
operations whether it is on his FREMO modules or his
home layout the Westport Terminal RR. It's a modern day
shortline. In Wolfgang's history of the railroad, he
states that the WT bought trackage over routes
that the CN, BN and others had given up as unprofitable.
But under WT operation they have returned profitability!
learn more about Wolfgang, his layout and FREMO, visit
his web site at -- there
you will find a wealth of details regarding daily
operations, customizing railcars, kit-bashing and
weathering structures for your home layout, and
links to the FREMO organization.

your Web Layout chooser for Featured Layouts, you will
find a copy of Wolfgang's Westport Terminal RR. This
plan is ops-ready, with stations, industries and
appropriate rail cars.

Featured Layout -
Fall 2010
Byron Henderson's NYC Scioto Valley
DivisionByron Henderson's NYC Scioto Valley
We are pleased to feature a wonderful layout by Byron
Henderson this quarter. Byron is a custom model
railroad layout designer from San Jose,CA..and he is
also a member of the Layout Design SIG and Operations
SIG, and is a past editor of the LDSIG’s LayoutDesign
Journal. Byron is a semi regular contributor to the
Model Railroad Hobbyist e-zine and runs his own layout
design business
The back story for this layout is that
Byron's client wanted a major port, a steel mill, some
coal mining, and was willing to go to multiple decks to
achieve all of that in a roughly 200 square foot space..
The outcome was a multi-level layout where the NYC is
imagined to connect from Portsmouth to Columbus, Ohio
through Scioto Furnace, to Lucasville, and Piketon.
One of the trademarks of this layout, as it is with all
of Byron's designs, is some great operations action.
Many different types of freight trains and operating
roles may be supported on the layout: local and yard
working out of Portsmouth Yard, through trains (many
making pickups and set-outs), dedicated haulers between
Portsmouth and Scioto
Furnace, and the in-plant steel mill railroad. The N&W
and PRR trains also need crews to work local industries
and perform interchange switching. There’s also a decent
amount of passenger train operation, head end and
express switching, and sleeper setouts and pick-ups
possible.We have provided typical cars for each layer of
Byron's layout, and all stations and industry sites are marked
out to assist in operating the Scioto Valley as well.
For more details on this fascinating layout, check the
September-October issue of Model Railroad Hobbyist
at [
] and to get a deeper appreciation of what services
Byron Henderson offers, please visit his web site at

The blast furnace at Scioto
Piketon detail
You will find this great set of layouts on your Layout
Chooser at Layouts\Featured Layouts. Enjoy!!
Featured Layout - Summer 2010
Vince Lee's Erie RR - 28th Street Terminal,
New York City in the 1950s
Vince Lee has packed a lot of model railroading into his
Erie RR 28th
Terminal layout which is built on a hollow core door and
an extension board. This vest pocket yard is set in the
early 1950s so both steam tank engines and early diesels are at home
here. It consists of two multi tenant Freight Houses, a
small yard that has a capacity of 80- 40 foot boxcars
and, for good measure, a car float for all important
interchange service. Shunting cars to the correct
warehouse door will require both skill and careful
planning.. Operations centre around the arrival and
departure of the car float and things can get really
hectic in a hurry. You can read all the background
details about Vince’s excellent layout in the July
Railroad Model
Craftsman magazine.
Vince also displays his interest in photographing
prototypical railroads on his web site

You will find Erie Railroad 28th Street
Terminal on your WEB chooser under Layouts\Featured

A little box electric engine
shunts cars in these busy warehouse scenes.

Used with
Visit the Railroad Model Craftsman web site for
information on their magazine and other publications at
Featured Layout - Spring 2010
John Marlor's Canadian Pacific - Revelstoke
Division in 1937
John Marlor chose to model the the Canadian Pacific
Railway's Revelstoke Division - Mountain Subdivision
Kamloops to Field, British Columbia in the year 1937,
when steam had reached its zenith. More specifically, he
chose to model the climbs west from Revelstoke up to and
over the Eagle Pass in the Monashee Mountains, and the
climb east from Revelstoke up the Illecillewaet River
Valley to the Connaught Tunnel and Rogers Pass. In
addition, he modelled the Arrowhead Branch Line south
from Revelstoke to Arrowhead on Upper Arrow Lake.

View at Albert Canyon

You will find this breath-taking layout on full display
at Saskatoon Scale Rail Guild's web pages located at: /Scenarios/ .
In association with TrainPlayer, this web site presents
a number of Operating Scenarios for you to work out and
enjoy. The background file is an overhead digital image
of John Marlor's layout (partially seen above). The
plan has 265 pieces of rolling stock and 23 locomotives
distributed as you might have found then on John's
layout. The basic layout plan and the first
scenario can also be found on our Web Layout chooser
under Featured Layouts.
We are particularly interested in your feedback about
the type and nature of Operations activity explored by
the Saskatoon Scale Rail Guild. There are 12
Scenarios for you to work through with each one taking
about one hour to complete.
Here are some more examples of John Marlor's excellent

Waverly Mine in Albert Canyon

Revelstoke Roundhouse
Visit their site at:http://homepage.
Featured Layout - March 2010
Toledo Union Station 1940s - by Jim Schenk
This layout is a fairly accurate
depiction of the trackage in and around Toledo Union
Station in Toledo, Ohio in the late 1940s and early
1950s. The operation on this layout focuses mainly on
passenger trains but there is one large industry along the
Maumee River that gets a fair share of action - The
Kuhlman Materials Corporation. This construction supply
company with a large bulk materials facility generates
traffic for both rail and water shippers.
The principal railroads that ran through Toledo Ohio were the
New York Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Nickel Plate and
Wabash. All provided passenger service with the New York
Central having the most daily trains
This layout was our Third Prize Winner
in our recent Layout Design Contest. Well
Done Jim!

Featured Layout - February 2010
Saesing Station 1945 - 1955 -
by Peter Faber
Peter's layout is a fantasy plan, based on a real
train station on a minor local railway the
”Hjørring-Hørby Privatbane” , HHP, that was opened on
November 8. 1913, and sadly closed again, due to
competition from truck and bus traffic, in March 1953.
The station itself forms the visible part of Peter's
module and he has used hidden staging to simulate
traffic that is "en route" to its destination. The
layout should lend itself well to anyone who enjoys
scripting their operations. Peter has shown some
remarkable detail including the railway ties and people
standing on the station platforms. As well Peter
has included a custom car set with his plan to better
reflect the steam engines, passenger and freight cars
that would have passed through his village. Included is
a little 7 ton diesel affectionately known locally as
the "broom closet". The car collections should
automatically download for you when you download this
layout. Or, you can download it separately from
your Web Cartype chooser under Standard\2000 Saesing
This layout was the Second Prize Winner
in our recent Layout Design Contest. Well
Done Peter!

Featured Layout - January 2010
The CNW at Appleton Wisconsin 1950 - by Jim Schenk
This layout
was adapted from The St. Clair South Western by John
Armstrong in his 1963 book “Track Planning For Realistic
Operation.” It represents a segment of the C&NW’s
trackage from Milwaukee to Green Bay that runs from
Appleton Junction northward through Appleton and
Kaukauna. At Appleton Junction there is a connection to
the line that runs southeast to the towns of Brillion
and Manitowoc and
northwest to
New London.
Both northbound and southbound trains departing Appleton enter tunnels through a hilly area
just beyond Appleton Junction. The tracks under the
hills are a staging area for Green
Bay and Milwaukee.
The layout will keep
operators busy handling car ferry traffic, passenger
through traffic and the local "sand" job to the gravel
This layout was our First
Prize winner
in recent our Layout Design Contest.
Congratulations Jim!

You can now down load this layout from your Web
Layout Chooser from the Featured Layouts folder.
Featured Layout -
Dec 2009
The Bristol Ferry Terminal RR by
Brad Smith
A long time fan of mainline
operations, Brad Smith developed his Bristol Ferry
Terminal railroad to emphasize his newest passion -
In its 18 inch by 96 inch frame, he has
packed a typical, busy
industrial area, a car ferry and an interchange
point with a major railroad.
A grade separation and careful planning of
roads and buildings gives his layout a very realistic
feel. Brad even has a small passenger operation cleverly
built-in as well by hiding a Rail Diesel Car in the
tunnel on the right side.
Brad sent
us the photo below to show his completed module.
Brad's Bristol Ferry Terminal
was featured in the November, 2009 issue of Model Railroader.
Well done Brad!

And below is our interpretation
of Brad's layout using images from the Scenery
Toolkit library.
downloading this layout from your Layout Chooser, be
sure to activate the Station feature which will
provide the names of all of the industries served on
this railroad. And just like Brad, you're ready for operations

Featured Layout - Nov 09