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TrainPlayer Friends and Links News

pgm iconTrainPlayer is very pleased with the support that we have received over the years from train, hobby and railroad fans from around the globe.  We have had many contributors of layouts and car collections, and would like to acknowledge some of them by providing links to their home sites where you can learn more about their particular specialties.


Layout Contributors:

The late Bruno Pigozzo, with contributions too extensive to list.  For a tribute, see In Memoriam.  It was Bruno who assembled the list on this page.

Railway Modeller magazine from the UK - http://www.pecopublications.co.uk/railway-modeller.html

Lance Mindheim,  The Shelf Layout Company - http://www.shelflayouts.com/

Tom Davidson, Free Track Plans.com  -http://www.freetrackplans.com

Byron Henderson - Layout Vision and Design - http://www.layoutvision.com/

The late Wolfgang Dudler - Westport Terminal RR http://www.westportterminal.de/ and FREMO modules - http://www.h0-usa.de/module.html.  Wolfgang passed away in 2012.

John Russell - Realistic Model Railways - special thanks  for AAR codes and Operations ideas

Richard Schumacher - Gateway NMRA - http://www.gatewaynmra.org

Bachmann Trains - for Bachmann EZ Track Plans - http://www.bachmanntrains.com/home-usa/index.php

The late Peter Prunka - John Allen's Gorre and Daphetid RR - http://gdlines.org/

Mike Fisher - The Mad Track Planner - http://www.cke1st.com/m_train2.htm

Chip Englemann aka - Space Mouse - for his various prize winners to his web site's contests

The late George Baustert - prolific author of hand-drawn layouts with commentary.  See the Baustert Gallery.

Many other layout contributors are acknowledged in the User Layouts Gallery.

Car Collections - Train GIF Artists 


All of the Train GIF artists below have inspired our users with their artistic prowess and we want to draw your attention to their home pages where you can see more of their work.  We thank them for their support.

The Train GIF Artists Group's site-  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/train_gifs/

Dan MacKellar - Dan's Railroad GIF Roundhouse http://www.trainweb.org/rrgifroundhouse/

Alfred Woolfolk II  - Cajon Sub GIFs  http://www.trainweb.org/cajonsubgifs/train_gifs.htm

Dave Hersud - Dave'sTrackside Train GIFs

Doug Kaniuk - Chicago Shortline - http://www.dhke.com/traingif/

Ed Bindler - Ed's GIFs aka Frograil

Alex Stroshane - Amtrak Prototype and Model - http://www.trainweb.org/asamtrak911/index.html

David Cooley - Train GIF Railyard - http://www.djcooley.com/info/gifs/ssw/ssw.htm

James Solakidis - Melbourne Freight Terminal - http://www.trainweb.org/melbfrtterminal/

Ken's Transit GIFs - http://www.kenstransitgifs.com/index.html

Chris Pedersen  - http://cptrainstuff.com

If we have inadvertently forgotten other friends of TrainPlayer, please drop us a line at support@trainplayer.com and we will be please to add a link to your site!

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