This version started out to address
a short list of bug fixes, but the layout engineers kept
asking for more, and went DOG-gone crazy with what we
provided! New features and new layouts are
described below.
If you already upgraded to 6.x, then 6.3 is a free
upgrade. If not, and you are a user of an older
version, the upgrade price is
$19. Details below.
The instructions on this page apply to the latest
version, 6.3.1, posted May 11 2016. If you are a
6.x user, you can get your free upgrade by going
straight to the
Download page or using the
button below.
Features in 6.3
Switch Games
and the DOG
Our engineers came up with new combination of scripting and
ops called the Directed Operations Generator --
the DOG! -- a script-based system which simulates waybill cycles, generates random switching
and presents you get
a different challenge every time you climb into the cab and
report for work.
The DOG is built into a dozen great new layouts, with
track plans and industries designed for operations.
For a detailed list of the plans, see the new
Guide To Games. For details about the DOG, get
the full story in the excellent new
PDF document by Richard Fletcher:
About A
Dog. Or just fire up 6.3 and try any file
in the new Layouts \ Games folder --
open a layout, it tells you what to do, and
congratulates you when you do it.
Scripting Features
- Command Prompt, Interactive Command Box:
two new ways to enter one-line script commands for immediate
execution -- very handy for developing, debugging, carrying
out one-time jobs
- New variables, functions, properties:
track and junction labels, crash counter, file delete, car
label display, expanded list of view controls, access to
text of notes
- Improved script editing: new
text edit pane in all script windows provides consistent
menus and keyboard shortcuts
- Growing subroutine library:
many useful new subroutines, automatic update on program
Other 6.3 Features
transfer tables: compact way to move trains on
and off the layout
- New DEST property: tag cars with
destination labels
- Default scenery styles: easier
management with new menu commands
- Enhancements in auto-follow: follow a
specific car
- Menu Reference: in the help, new
comprehensive guide to menu commands

For a complete list of fixes and enhancements, see the TrainPlayer Version History.
How To Obtain 6.3
If you are new:
Welcome! Your best bet is to look in the
latest newsletter
for a special offer. Or read on.
If you already upgraded to 6.0 - 6.2:
Thank you! 6.3 is a free upgrade. Just click the button
below and follow instructions.
If you have a
pre-6 version: there is a charge for the upgrade
-- only $19 to upgrade from any previous
version all the way up to the top of the line package,
TrackLayer 6.3, with track and scenery tools, ops, advanced scripting,
the whole works.
Whether upgrading from a previous version or buying
for the first time:
1. Click here to download and install the new
version ==>
If you do not yet have a 6.x license, this gets you a demo valid for 30 days. |
To buy, choose Help > Purchase Upgrade from
the main menu. This brings up a dialog showing
prices and options, and a one-click route to the checkout page.
If you do not already have them, you can add the
Chris Pedersen Car
Collections for a special bundle price. See details in
the dialog.