9.0 (Mar 25) |
Loco View, TP Drive, Anyrail version |
8.3 (Jun 24) |
Locations, large fonts, new AO docs |
8.2 (Sep 22) |
Dynamic Toolbars UI revamp |
8.1 (Aug 21) |
Linked Layout improvements |
8.0 (Jan 21) |
Paint Shop |
7.2 (Jun 20) |
AO improvements |
7.1 (Sep 19) |
User-requested features |
7.0.0 (Mar 19) |
Advanced Ops |
6.6.1 (Feb 18) |
Fixes in license dialog |
6.6 (Oct 17) |
YardMaster 3; background tiling; more
AR fixes |
6.52 (Jul 17) |
AnyRail conversion fixes |
6.51 (Jun 17) |
Fixes in AnyRail conversion; YardMaster
2 |
6.5 (May 17) |
Road styles |
6.4 (Oct 16) |
YardMaster |
6.3.1 (May 16) |
Revamp of car orientations, prevents
car and engine flips |
6.3 (Mar 16) |
Various fixes, scripting enhancements,
new scripted switch games |
6.2 (Nov 15) |
Additions to scenery toolkit |
6.1 (Dec 14) |
Additions to scripting |
6.0 (Aug 14) |
Advanced scripting |
5.3.0 (Jun 13) |
New control bars, ties/roadbed |
5.2.0 (12 Oct 12) |
Chris Pedersen Cars |
5.1.0 (Jul 12) |
Train drag |
5.0 (2 Apr 12) |
UK content |
4.2.2 (3 Jan 12) |
Modules |
4.2.0 (1 Dec 11) |
Revamped graphics system |
4.1.0 (22 Oct 11) |
4.0 (May 11) |
Ops |
3.4 (Aug 10) |
3.3.1 (Feb 10) |
3.3 (Oct 09) |
Scenery |
Mac 3.2 (Apr 09) |
Final Mac version |
3.2 (Oct 08) |
AnyRail import |
3.1 (May 08) |
Choosers |
3.0 (Nov 07) |
Sounds; downloadable layouts |
Mac 2.0.8 (Jul 07) |
Mac 2.0 (Apr 07) |
First Mac version |
2.33 (Nov 06) |
Scripting |
2.22 (Aug 06) |
2.2 (May 06) |
Car collections |
2.1 (Nov 05) |
TrackLayer |
2.0 (Oct 05) |
1.3 (Aug 05) |
Program available on CD |
1.2 (Jun 05) |
1.1 (Apr 05) |
TP Inc opens for business |
1.0 (Feb 05) |
First Windows version |
Version 8
Locations: overhaul and expansion, with
elimination of Stations
New script commands and functions:
$CAR(..DistTo..) for distance between cars
$EXPIMAGE to create image file
$OUTPUT to capture text output
$TIMER to report elapsed time
$INT to truncate real numbers
$TRACK(..FindFromJxns..) to find track between junctions
Multi-line script comments
New pseudo-modal $MSGBOX
Improvements in Advanced Ops (besides Locations):
Improved industry build from cars
New subroutines for setting up and testing ops
New grid column for specifying intermediate yards
Improved AO Checklist in Ops Central
New and improved AO documentation and tutorials
Text size choices in dialogs and alerts
Improved New Layout dialog
Search car collections by type (AAR code or initial)
Ability to lock grid to prevent moving while while drawing track
Grid anchor point is now more easily visible
Added modelling scale T
Removed little-used feature: animated scenery objects
All-new TrackLayer Tutorial for beginning tracklayers
Choice of line widths for highlighting track, in Track
Dynamic Toolbars & UI
All new toolbars & subtoolbars, reworked
All new toolbar/menu icon artwork in SVG format
Quick-Customize arrows on toolbars for add/remove/reset
Dynamic Positioning setting => automatic toolbar arrangement
Tabbed document list on frame title bar
Quick-Access toolbar with full menu for customization
Updated BCG framework and app class => new application styles
Full Screen mode: new defaults for controls shown
Car monitor totals now shown on status bar
Windows toggle on/off like others: Route Finder, Check Track,
Scenery/Car Chooser
Menus now indicate up/down status of all windows and toolbars
Fix for setting line width in Scenery
Props/Styles; now works on multiple selection
If default is no line, select the Line/Poly tool, then any line
you draw becomes solid
Painter/Dropper tool revamp: now can pick up entire style when
pointing to scenery object
Line widths are now handled correctly when applying or
defaulting styles
Rework of rewind points, now ok with linked
and AO. New toolbar button Set Rewind Point.
$View function now takes: any item on View or Tools menu, or
name of any toolbar
$Track function adds FindFromJxns to find track given jxnnos
$Jxn function adds X, Y properties for getting coordinates
$Car position now settable using (t,j,d[,r]) -- optional R for
Train Name command now works correctly with argument
On a script rewind, all train speeds are set to zero
Script toolbar improved: Record button shows
inactive/playing/recording status
Anyrail import: now gets transfer tables; fix
for certain Peco wye
Export Image adds choices for Car IDs, track numbers, track
Edit commands (cut, copy, delete, undo, redo) are now activated
when there is a selected car
Transfer table moving improved => platform does not get stuck
On closing doc, if prompted about saving, trains stop moving
until prompt goes down
All referenced urls changed to https protocol
Removed What's New folders from web choosers, and Web Recent
New Toolbars section on Style tab: sets button sizes and labels,
DP on/off
Track line display active on using Edit Track, Straight, Circle,
Turntable; turns off on other tools
Paint Shop: new decal type Shaded Cylinder for tankcars
Paint Shop: New Wireframe decal for lifting details and painting
Remove Show Notes on Open feature and preference checkbox
Linked Layouts
Overhauled code to eliminate bugs and
drawbacks, support multi-layout scripting
New layout property: LayoutID, a short string unique among open
New: hand-drag a train across links -- push on one end, pull on
the other
A jumping train can couple or uncouple while jump is in progress
No more duplication of car or train ids: automatic renumbering
on layout jump
Link info is now accessible from the Track Properties dialog
Clipping improves appearance of jumping cars
Now supported: "self-jump" from one track to another on same
Layout Link dialog: improved appearance and behavior
Window activation follows active train
New way to follow the action: watch commands
as they execute
Fixed: automatic echo of script comments
Certain menu commands now take arguments, such as "File Open
Several new $car, $train, $layout properties accessible to
Stop All Scripts: now works over all open layouts, also
instantly stops trains
Now possible: scripts running simultaneously on multiple layouts
Fixed: script enable/disable flags
New Features
New File Save All to save multiple open
Removed: support for track cad systems other than AnyRail
Track Check dialog: better zoom, handling of link paths, dialog
Turntable rotation now handles cars overhanging table rim
New preference for car-top labels: numeric ids of train-dot-car
File Open dialog now allows multiple selection
Schedule Window fix: does not clear when layout changes
Paint jobs now work correctly on Pedersen
right/left image pairs
Paint Shop now handles images of low bit depth
Missing decals are now named at startup, with auto-download on
Fixes for inverting certain decal types
Fix for AO incorrect handling of NCarsToPull
Arrow keys fixed to again act on track, scenery objects
Allow > 100 trains for selection by script (fixes Greg R's
DropKick scheme)
Paint Shop -- new facility for decorating
cars and locos with paint and decals
Improved color chooser dialog
New collision type: dead stop
Linked tracks now shown with special track labels, with settable
Improvements in car drawing speed, both side and top
Map View: settable array of colors; now showing layout links
Full Screen view: allow show/hide of status bar
Remember selected car on close/reopen layout
Scale Pedersen side images to match Schenk and other 200px cars
Better algorithm for accel/decel, taking elapsed time into
Do not select active engine if Zoom On Open is unchecked
Better limits on dialog resizing, not
dependent on display scaling
Fix engine running sounds for multi-window scenarios
Reduced jerkiness in train moves, as when switch is thrown
Handle UTF-8 text in $file script function
Fixes for script after/at conditions
Update control displays after certain script commands
Note window: do not force left-justified text
Waybill text: update car sets as needed
On flip car: update top views to match; suppress selection X
Uncouple sound now plays when invoked from script
Fix in displaying car-top selection X in some circumstances
Add toolbar icon for Stop All Trains
Ops Central grids: add "Row" to appropriate edit commands
Version 7
AO: better use of staging yards with multiple
start/end locations
New AO documentation, new layouts
New BridgeTraffic column in Industries grid
Switchlist Robot: automatic switchlist completion, via new AO
dev commands
Route Finder: faster, car count filter, auto-throw along route
Clock: add choice of digital, 24-hour display; adjustable font
Track capacity calculator in AO and new script function
Add 1:1 to list of scales; remove new layout size limitations
Fix zoom slider to adjust based on scale
Add popup menu and keyboard shortcuts to operate scrollbars
Suspend background tiling during scenery drag
Better AFTER script condition: now waits until last car is past
Fix for black areas while scrolling
Revamped code for car side display -- now all scale to 200px on
Improved appearance of text loads, with adjustable font
New items on Track menu
Many small fixes throughout
Car Swap by Drag and Drop
AAR Override
Overpass Track
Sound Enhancements
Full-Screen View
New AO Layouts
Car Shift: rearrange a train by shuffling a
car forward or back, with built-in keyboard shortcuts
Grids: AO grids now stay up to date as you run, with improved
multi-row delete, duplicate
Train Control Panel: more flexibility in arranging buttons,
Strict H/V Draw: press Ctrl while drawing for exact horizontal /
vertical track
Updated AO Doc: revamped Advanced Ops User Guide twice the size
of the first version
Bug with foreign characters in paths, leading
to "cannot find default cars" at install
Allow access to AO layouts for users with TP license
Selecting car now correctly brings up waybill
Car chooser now allows picking a collection when brought up from
Car Bar
AO: improved devevelopment checklist; fixes in switchlist
generation; logic fixes
New comment column in Industries grid
Improved version of FixOps routine
Chooser tree Find command repaired and improved
Fix to avoid duplicate car collections after download
Delete temp folders on program exit
Advanced Ops: many features
Ops Central
Map View
AO Layouts
New Check for Upgrades dialog
Fix for unavailable web downloads
Version 6
Changes in 6.6.1:
License dialog fixes -- addressing customer
problems with registration
More AnyRail import fixes -- gapped crossovers from Kato
Script enhancements -- LAUNCH command, new $FILE functions
Video clips -- play little movies on your layout
Clickable scenery -- create action-launching buttons with custom
Easier browsing in Script Central -- new Back/Forward buttons;
returns to previous page/row
On browse in chooser, start in current directory
Fixes in clipping for Hide Track & Trains scenery objects; crash
prevention in train dragging
Improvements in Cars grid -- taking steps toward Advanced Ops in
Changes in 6.6:
Background Tiling -- smoother graphics as the
trains move
More AnyRail import fixes -- now handling curved switches from
Fast Tracks, Atlas, and others
YardMaster Y2 -- improvements in waybill generation
YardMaster Y3 -- introducing a new system of generating
switchlists, with new layouts and subroutines
New Car Data Props -- new tab in Properties dialog gives access
to all car data fields in one place
UI improvements -- two-part list in Load combos; adjustable
Courier font in text input dialogs
New script functions -- $layout, $car functions add new
Changes in 6.5.2:
AnyRail fixes -- crossovers, single and
double slipswitches
Restore focus correctly after displaying note window
Changes in 6.5.1:
YardMaster 2 -- improved subroutines and
layouts for better YM operation
AnyRail fixes -- now correctly handles curved switches from all
XP support -- fixes to allow running on Windows XP (no longer
supported by Microsoft libraries)
Track line display -- now single-track display is turned on
automatically after AR import
User-defined toolbars -- remove this feature, which never worked
Toolbars customize -- fix crash
Fix to allow multiple selection of layouts in chooser
Layout thumbnails: use 1-pixel black line for track
Changes in 6.5:
Road styles -- new scheme for customizing
track display, with a new tabbed dialog for style design
Accurate scaling -- fixes in grid scheme for correct car
measurements in all scales
AnyRail import fixes -- fix for Kato N-scale double crossover
and parts having electrical gaps
Dev environment upgrade -- upgrade to the newest Visual Studio
and Microsoft libraries
New licensing system -- new homemade system allows unlimited
demo, easier maintenance
Scripting fixes -- various enhancements requested by the
YardMaster authors
Persistent sort order in Script Central
Fix for rails in clip boxes
Many other small fixes and improvements
New sets of small and YardMaster layouts -- great new scenic YM-
and ops-ready layouts
Changes in 6.4:
YardMaster, a collection of over 80 excellent
ready-to-play switching layouts
New improved random train generator, populates a large layout
quickly and accurately
Automatic display of designer’s notes on opening layout
Scripting enhancements: $set combination functions, IsSpotted,
Significant speed improvement in running scripts
New editable Variables tab in Script Central
AnyRail conversion improvements
No more Kalmbach: 101 Track Plans removed from product,
manual, website
Track labels on/off view setting and per-track display
Track properties dialog now modeless, for setting values over
multiple tracks
Many bug fixes, repairs of memory and graphic leaks, fixes for
various crashes
Changes in 6.3.1:
car orientation revamp
no more Reverse Engine flag or checkbox
consistent train orientation in window (forward = rightward)
CP cars use left-side images where available
$track(length) property
variables are now saved in layout file
can delete a variable by assigning no value (let x= )
user variables are now editable in Script Central Reference tab
rail thickness preference
idsets available to scripts
resource leak in scenery chooser
error message if default car collection not found
handling of multi-line data in saved variables using $file
avoid saving changes in script text as requested
allow switch throw when fouled if using spacebar or menu
fix for dragging car window divider
fixes in quoting: allows multi-word commands, retains quotes in
cmd box mru
layout can save script variables if configured
resource leak in drawing scenery
suppress echoing return in command window, except at end of text
or start of line
allow use of schedule window popup commands in scripting
allow friendly versions of all popup menu names in scripting
after editing script in Script Central, warn about saving on
closing doc
fix for data wrongly saved on changing tabs in Script Central
Changes in 6.3:
Multi-track transfer table -- transfer tables are no longer
limited to a single bridge track
Auto-follow selected car -- new options for auto-scrolling when
following train
Auto-hide selection X -- pink X on car top can go away after a
few seconds
Move uncoupling pin -- new commands, keystrokes to move
uncoupling position along train
Default scenery styles -- new context-menu commands to apply or
set default line or fill styles
Car dest property -- car top can display user-supplied
destination code; also in Cars Window
New snap angles -- snap to #10 or #12 angles when drawing
Keyboard chart -- new dialog shows keyboard accelerators for all
Track labels -- user-assigned labels for track and junctions
serve various purposes
No blank layout -- new preference can prevent creating blank
layout on program start
Car ID display reset -- new Remove All Car IDs command to reset
all car labels off
Allow Train Drag -- preference to turn hand-drag of train on or
New scripted layouts -- see new layout folder Scripts and
Puzzles \ Switch Games
new variables and functions -- $crashes, $track(label),
$jxn(label), $file(delete), $car(showlabel), $note
new layout properties -- $layout(readonly / tracklabels /
$view functions -- now apply to all checkable items on View menu
and submenus
portable junction actions -- new Attach To Junction command can
move script to a different location
automatic subroutine update -- check at program startup keeps
local sub library up to date
restart master script -- new command in Script Central to rerun
master script
no save/load of rewind point -- rewind info is no longer saved
to layout file; fixes various problems
warn on rewind -- if rewind will change train inventory, new
alert allows cancel
improved text editor -- in all script windows: new context menu,
improved keyboard operation
start executing at selected line -- undoable Set Next Command
Here in script editor
interactive command box -- execute one command at a time in a
scratch pad window
script command prompt -- execute a single command or call from
one-line dialog with MRU list
fun with DOG -- Directed Ops Generator: schemes for creating
randomized challenges
Start/stop/rewind on toolbar now apply to all scripts
Revert To Saved now works from script
Stop All Scripts includes master script
deletion of junction no longer loses attached action script
updating of SC subroutines list no longer requires a layout be
fix for layouts with startup scripts opened via double-click in
Win Explorer
fix for crash when filling reference tab of SC
can now set speed units separately from metric length units
improvements in display of text loads
improved performance of turntables and transfer tables
fix crashes after certain data downloads
fix confusion in downloads from defaults6/loads6
simpler web catalog of cars, layouts
unfound scenery objects: no longer erased
fix for value input in transfer table props dialog
throwing a switch no longer unselects car
station context menu no longer displayed when stations not
improved consistency in keyboard accelerators, same now in TP
and TL
fix for car label display at 1:1 zoom
prevent throw of switch when fouled
retain selected car after coupling
no more distinction between content delivered in TP vs. TL
auto-scroll is no longer automatically disabled when view
dragged by hand
enable View > Pause when any script running, even if trains not
Changes in 6.2:
tiling scheme: revamped tile-based graphics allows both maximum
zoom and smooth scrolling
auto-scroll: now smoother, no need to rebuild drawing while
scn files: develop a scenery object from shapes and lines, save
as reusable single object
hq scenery: new collection of high-quality scenery,
auto-download in welcome dialog
patterned lines: thick lines can be filled with hatch or bitmap
smoothing: smoothing of polygon corners with auto-generated
bezier curves
polygon edit: delete a polygon or polyline segment; auto-close a
updated tutorial: step by step process to create a detailed
layout using new scenery tools
hatch colors: object or line can now be filled with two-color
hatch pattern
hide track/trains: precise clipping under grouped objs,
polylines marked as hiders
line flat ends: polylines have rounded joins, flat ends
flip horiz/vert: flip object or group about an axis
reworked scenery resize: accurate resize/reshape of grouped
object without loss of precision
scenery grid: adjustable snap grid aids in fast drawing of
precise scenery objects
scenery styles dialog: new tabbed dialog for setting current or
default fill, line, text styles
paint bucket tool: one click fills closed object or group with
color or pattern
dropper tool: click anywhere on screen picks up color to be
applied to scenery
arrows on tools: drop-down arrows on line, text, fill tools lead
to matching style dialogs
plus cursor for points: new cursor aids in drawing and
connecting polylines
stat bar measurements: length or dimensions are shown on status
bar while drawing scenery
export image fg/bg separate: individual layers may be suppressed
when exporting images
fixes in click select: better selection of hidden objects,
multiple selections, groups
rect->polygon on menu: convert rectangle to polygon object;
allows modifying shape
keyboard arrow keys: arrow-key one-pixel nudging now applies to
resize as well as move
improved scenery props dialog: updates in background, line, text
new rail display: double rails are now a track display style,
thus faster, more dynamic, more flexible
new track props dialog: specify detailed display features per
track segment
improved note window: better auto-fit of text, improved display
and saving of status
change ordering of drawing: better ground-up drawing, e.g.,
rails on top of roadway
fixes in AnyRail conversion: repairs for flex track, beziers,
wyes, other parts
fixes in scripting: fixes in translation and parsing certain
fix for car jumping on uncouple: fixes for long-standing bugs
causing jumps or flips on couple or uncouple
move pin on menu: use keyboard or menu to move uncoupling pin
Changes in 6.1.0:
settable functions
local variables
custom $car, $train props
add T(oggle) as $train direction
save/load variables to/from delimited file
new system variables and functions:$SYSTEM(cmd) $DATADIR
new function families: $FILE $STRING $TURNTABLE $STATION
new scripting commands: Continue Exit Local
fix in set->let conversion
fixes for argument translation when passed to system functions
on error translating variable, do not continue
load subroutine from file when needed at call time
new parsing of location (T J D) expression: order-independent
with initials
do not split comment at semicolon
fix to prevent duplicate id's when creating new junction actions
r/w designator in SC Reference tab shows which functions are
adjustable text size for all script text windows; set in SC
Settings tab
subfolder column in SC Subroutines tab
subroutines list now includes those next to layout file
prevent drag of SC divider beyond window edges
command hiliting in script editor now skips over proc definition
prevent crash on adding note or master script
commit when adding note or master script so changes are not lost
fix so comment-only master script is not considered empty
update train controls after setting speed via script
improved appearance of SC Reference tab
fix for wrap in SC text windows
more robust method of handling clicks in SC list window prevents
on cancel from junction action editor, do not leave empty action
on list
track to scenery => create backdrops and scenery objects using
track tools
resizing input box for more convenient user input
wider line by default when creating polyline or polygon scenery
improved display on turntables when using Show Numbers
prevent car from running off end of stub, except on turntables
or linked tracks
when sorting car collection, include self-propelled (EP) with
pass keystrokes when note window is on display => avoid having
to click layout window
better handling of carnote, allows terminating via carriage
report error if rrw file cannot be read due to xml error
Changes in 6.0:
No list available. See
6.0 Features Page.
Version 5
Changes in 5.3.0:
- For main list of new features, see web page
5.3 Feature Documentation
- Many new scripting features are in this version, not yet exposed
or documented
- Bug fixes and small improvements in 5.3: too numerous to list
Changes in 5.2.0:
- Moving trains by hand: improved motion, cursors, auto-scroll
- Support for CP cars: large images, car orientation fixes
- Load chooser now works by drag-and-drop; ctrl-drag loads cut
- Improved load combo boxes; now uniform in four locations
- Load Choose by Name no longer a menu, now a list box with
- Fixes for problems with engines flipping, cars appearing on
- Purchase Upgrade, Check for Updates dialogs now support CP cars
- Loads show as text when on closed cars
- Fix for strange clipping behavior due to ill-defined region
- Prevent car jumps after chopping track
- Changing image for closed-car load now works more sensibly
- Fix for importing car collections
- Car display in dialogs now shows text if no image or generic
- Fix to prevent screen zoom due to creating thumbnail in chooser
- Fix in Publish to allow non-bmp images
Changes in
- Modeless properties dialog -- remains on display
as you select and modify car, train, layout props
- Property changes now undoable
- Improved cursors: no more four-headed arrow for
view panning
- Subroutines in scripts! Store some code in
a file and call it when needed.
- Restore view on open; eliminate Snapshot Windows
mechanism. View, zoom, settings (including Car ID display) are
restored when opening a layout.
- Fixes for coupling and uncoupling -- no more
surprising flipping of engines on couple
- Auto-follow setting persisted -- last choice you
made remains in effect until changed again
- No highlight of track when cursor is pointing to
- Fixed bugs in choosing default collection;
highlighting script command in window; adjusting volume level via
registry setting
- Improved train horn menu: now shows all
available horns, displays correct name instead of "Other..."
- Fixed subtle problem with clip boxes defined by
unclosed rectangle -- caused unexpected clipping of cars
- Prep work for large car images -- results to be
seen with upcoming release of Pedersen cars
- Auto-follow begins closer to center of screen
when dragging by hand; can be adjusted by registry setting
- "No car selected" indicated in car props if
Changes in
- Improved dragging by hand: works with any tool;
cursor changes over car or uncouple point; auto-scroll
follows dragged car (not lead car); improved algorithm for tracking
mouse; improved touching when zoomed out
- Auto-save: backup file is saved periodically, as
specified by new preference; new Restore Backup command retrieves
saved backup
- Modeless dialogs now behave as child windows of
layout, hidden when layout is closed or minimized; avoids crashes
when layout is closed
- New cursors: hand for train move, custom new
cursor for uncouple, 4-head arrow for panning view
- Fix for download of large layouts -- problem
with utf-8 conversion was failing to retrieve large rrw files
- Changes in defaults: shift-click to uncouple,
mouse wheel zoom now off by default
- Load name "none" now handled correctly in car
props dialog
- Train tree now updates after Train > Name dialog
is used
- Change in click-to-load: when load chooser is
up, clicking an eligible car loads it but clicking again does not
unload; easier and less problematic
- Support for passenger cars: can now load all
types (coach, diner, mail, etc.) with passengers
- New definition of car cut: cut now
includes neighboring cars of same general (not exact) type
- Improvements in publishing: background image
file is now copied rather than remade from image; lowercasing of
filenames improved
- Changes to Route Finder dialog: no close or
minimize button; better modeless behavior
Changes in
- Drag trains by hand! With the RUN tool
active, press and drag a train or car along the tracks.
- Fixes in switch window: restore switch lights;
stay in synch with current layout
Changes in
- Fix for inability to find default cars when no
document open
- Restore missing load indicators on
closed-car loads
- Missing cars alert: report if license does not permit download
- Fix problem with missing cars on opening Hornby layout
- Fix misspelled "jubliee tender" in British collections
Changes in 5.1.0:
- on change of default car collection:
update car dimensions, do not modify loads, convert more car types
- better error message on finding duplicate car collections
- use upper left pixel when determining background color for car
sides, not lower left
- remove Classic collection from trains shown in about box
- show cartype names instead of generic class names in tooltips
and other places
- when looking for layout background file, search Layouts folder
- scenery objects are now named for background file if any, rather
than generic object types
- more reliable train bounce: do not check for overlapping trains
- do not hilite track when mousing using scenery tools
- in choosers and aar car classes dialog: when selecting item,
unselect others
- eliminate Install All Scenery button; now done using folder
- eliminate menu index column from list view of car collection
- improved search for loads when reading car definitions: use
display name as well as file name
- hour glass cursor added in several places, e.g., when bringing
up web chooser
- when displaying scenery objects or sounds in chooser, do not
show file extensions on names
- top chooser: always set to icon view instead of list view
- new note in car collection preview window: "click car to see
- use RELOAD flag when opening web file, so web version will
overwrite cached if any
- remember last selected folder in layout chooser, return there on
next open; works across sessions
- on fail to load basic data, retry after creating new choosers
file: eliminates "default car collection not found" error
- no check for car collection errors when opening invisibly, e.g.,
linked layouts, modules, etc.
- improved handling of foreign non-ascii characters when loading
text files
- use improved download routine when getting a single text file
- add line feeds to output when exporting to xml: better
- avoid reporting error when loading car collection fails to find
some image files
- update tree on refresh folder in web chooser
- car collection page: button says Download not Install when
folder chosen
- summary alert on completed export from chooser tree
- sort names alphabetically in load chooser
- fix to restore ability to drag loads from load chooser into
industry lists
- eliminate lengthy search operation when determining if web file
has local counterpart
- assume layout background files in web collections are all jpg:
reduces time to load web index
- do not create chooser items for any which failed to download
- load header data when exporting folder of layouts to xml or
delimited text: gets correct values of scale, size
- better export of folders to xml: eliminate unneeded fields;
lowercase all filenames; do not output "scale" item except for
- when loading data from web, get additional info: ops-ready flags
on folders, notes on car collections
- what's new folder: sort items case-insensitive
- improved way of choosing item which comes up on opening folder
in chooser tree
- improved method for finding files by pathname: consider \ same
as /
- update icon when creating folder in tree
- better way of determinining if web item has local counterpart:
uses path only, no search
- prevent adding duplicate car collections when reloading chooser
- avoid crashes in preferences dialog when no layout is open
- on cancel preferences restore to previous default car collection
if changed
- remove "% cabooses" item from train generator preferences
- fix so rotation angle can be entered by hand in scenery
properties dialog
- fix to avoid car jump on cancel car properties
- update descriptor in car properties after edit collection
- choosing OK in the alert for missing cars no longer causes cars
to be permanently converted to defaults
- help page and button added to missing car/scenery alert
- screen now updates during mouse wheel scroll
- refactoring and preprocessing to separate Mac-specific code from
Windows and shared
- move trainplayer.com to new host; rebuild shop site
- eliminate need to tag car collections as defaults for various
types of layout
- do not save temporary train names to layout file
- new registry setting to keep track of current layout folder in
chooser; initialized by installer
- eliminate ability to read car-top images from single file: all
tops must all be separate files now
- preliminary code for handling large car images
- preliminary code for annotation system for recording demos
- move global preference data to shared location with Mac
- handling of car collection and scenery errors now done by
reporting dialog
- develop but do not use facility for translating names via
language-specific translation file
- ability to export xml in web-ready format, for internal use
- multi-purpose debugging dialog for internal use
Changes in
- Default car collections displayed randomly in About box
- Car button tooltips now show correct cartype names
- Fix to ensure module collections show sizes in N on chooser
- Fixes for downloadi of euro loads from web -- processing xml
with foreign chars
- Fix for identifying certain types in default collections
- Default setting for Whats New time frame now "last 30 days"
- Crash protection in several places
Changes in 5.0:
- Modular Railroading. New dialogs, new capabilities, new layout
properties, new chapter in the manual
- Ctrl-drag duplicates and drags objects, both track and scenery
- Status bar shows cursor position and object data while dragging
- Fix for faulty handling of scenery objects in rotating layout
- Can now enter degrees as floating-point numbers when specifying
rotation angle
- Improved performance in rendering scenery objects
- "Touch maps" improve performance when moving mouse using any
non-Run tool
- Fix for umlauts and other special chars in xml handling
- Ability specifying absolute sizes of scenery objects using
external sizes.txt files
- New checkbox in scenery object properties allows changing layers
- New Advanced tab in Layout Properties, allows change of
background image, module type
- Layout size column in Layout Chooser now shows sizes in N scale
for folders with N layouts only (e.g. NTrak folders)
- Various crash fixes
- New RZP files: zip files for packaging layout with components
- Layout scale no longer defaults to Z if unspecified; now HO
- New search path scheme for locating external files -- smarter
and more flexible
- Fixes for setting properties over multi-object scenery selection
Version 4
Changes in 4.2.2:
- Built-in updating: if newer version of program is available on
web, alert at startup and allow download; new Check for Updates
command on Help menu
- Faster startup: delayed data fetch; cache web data; no check for
duplicate car colls; simpler finding of default cars; cache status
icons; status on splash
- Multi-line text in scenery objects: allow wrapping text in
scenery objects (no rotation); enter returns via "\n"
- Text alignment: choose left/center/right for text on scenery
- Grid sorting: multiple sort in ops grids; add SortOrder column
to sort on user-supplied data
- Grid space saving: resize grid rows on show/hide Image; smaller
header row
- Train menu: do not allow train menu to come up empty
- Layout background color: do not hide layout color button; alert
if changes will not be visible
- Load car type override: new scheme allowing loads at given
industries to be restricted to certain car types
- Train selection in scripts: allow TRAIN <name or id> in scripts
- Car label duplications: non-default labels now retained on
copy/paste; dash-num suffix applies when needed to keep labels
Changes in 4.2.1:
- New Station Style dialog for setting station text and outline
colors (access via Station Props)
- Drop track junction onto circle using Edit tool => forms curve
- Prevent drag by hand except in valid direction(s)
- Load lookups faster via name map
- Background color now applicable per layout
- Attaching stations to tracks: now works for multiple tracks
- Fix for flickering selection rect
- Prevent zoomout to infinity
- Fix in Industry Browser to show all AAR codes
- Handle trains with no names in Schedule Window
- Less flashing on zoom in and out
- Fix for hovering over track or circle and pressing Del to delete
- Fix for rail separation, now works on straights and curves
- Add rail separation value to Prefs
- New mechanism for handling loads in industries; allows aar
- Improved highlighting while dragging and while creating stations
- Fix for creating new station around multiple tracks
- Scripts: Train command now selects by train name or car label
Changes in 4.2:
- Revamped graphics system -- infinite zoom, smoother scrolling,
better highlighting
- Dragging view by hand
- Fixes in track transforms -- curves, circles, turntables now
reflect and rotate correctly
- Setting of individual car sizes -- as it used to work, before
spring 2010
- New preferences for setting layout and window background colors
- New scheme for highlighting junctions and switches -- better
performance and appearance
- Load combos in Car and Car Collection Properties no longer allow
typed input -- you must choose from the list
- Auto-scroll turns off automatically upon scrolling or hand
dragging (as before) but now only if the selected train is moving
- Fixed display of crashed cars so not cropped
- Fix for turning off car labels while moving
- Fix for broken combo box in Animation Obj Properties
- Remove script welcome dialog
- On zoom out: remove double flash of layout before display
- Select All with track or edit tool now includes circles
- Allow choosing layout-specific background color -- new button in
Layout Props
- Fix allows selecting and moving circles when no track present
Changes in 4.1:
- Animation
- Ties
- Export image; replace Export dialog with wizard
- Track transforms: rotate, flip
- Car ID display rework
- Road Preferences tab
- Select Ties, Roadbed only
- Remove Tools > Options, redundant menu
- Remove nonfunctional Add to Schedule, Add to Switchlist menu
- Remove 4.0 Welcome dialog
- Remove "Save view settings" checkbox and feature; use default
view on layout load (improved scheme under development)
- AnyRail import enhancements: fixes for turntables; straight flex
sections now converted to single track pieces
- Select All with track edit tool now selects circles as well as
- Do not highlight stations when selecting track
- Improved cursors when using station tool
- Selecting polygon scenery objects now uses accurate touch
- Add parameter to load def to allow fitting to partial car
length; used internally
- Remove Refresh Thumbnail menu item when in web chooser
- Add index column to car chooser to allow sorting default sets in
menu order
- When creating layout thumbnails, apply basic view settings (no
stations, color codes, etc.)
- Repair of progress bar during downloads
- Publish layout now uses default view settings
- Manual and help buttons updated to 4.1
- Better initial choice in layout chooser
- Updated and expanded sets of installed layouts and car
- Fix for deletion, selection when using scenery tool
- Scheme for more efficient highlight detection; disabled until
further tested