To download and install TrainPlayer /
TrackLayer 5.3 on your computer, click here:
27 Jun 2013 41.7 MB setup53.exe
This installs the program and a small set of layouts
and data files. Others are available from within
the program after you install. A license key is
required for full use of the program. It is
recommended that you uninstall previous versions before
running the 5.3 install.
older operating systems: click
Run and wait for the download to complete.
On newer systems: look for this panel at the bottom of your screen:

Click Run. The download
happens, with progress reported in the panel.
The next screen is the TrainPlayer Installer. Click
on through.
After the install, you might see the Program Compatibility
Assistant (at left). Do not be alarmed. Click
When you run TrainPlayer for the first time, you are
prompted for license code. If you do not have one,
click OK and the demo time period starts.
In 5.2, we have changed where TrainPlayer appears on the
Start menu. The version number is no longer part
of the folder name. Look under Start > All
Programs > TrainPlayer.
If you run into any problems, consult the sources below.
More Information
Yes. The 30-day clock is reset for 5.3. If you'd like an extension, send e-mail.
No. Version 5.3 is installed as a new executable
(trainplayer53.exe) in Program Files\TrainPlayer.
However, some data files will be added and updated in your TrainPlayer application data folder.
Yes, it is recommended that you uninstall any previous
version before installing 5.3.
If you have an existing license, then
there is no cost for 5.3, unless you want to add the Chris
Pedersen Cars. Depending on your license, there
may be additional features you can purchase. Look under
Purchase Upgrade on the Help
menu to see
options and prices.
Yes. The way to do this is to choose DVD in the
Shipping box on the checkout page when you place your order.
If you already ordered and would like to amend the order to
include a DVD, send us e-mail.